Monday, April 5, 2010

30 Seconds to Mars soundslide

This project was easily the hardest project that we have had all year in my opinion. My reasoning for saying that it was the hardest is because it required a variety of programs and resources to create a final product.
With this project i was hoping to learn more about the soundslide program and sound editing in general. I was only hoping to achieve a basic understanding of soundslide with this project, but I learned alot more. However it was quite challenging, I had alot of difficulty in creating a mp3 for this project. However because of that difficulty I learned alot about using audacity, which will definitely be of use in the future. The learning process was mostly trial and error, but I did learn how to solve problems in the program.
Once again, I did not feel alot of pride in this project because I feel it did not do the band justice. However, If I had more time to mix more music and create more informational slides, I feel as though I could truly be proud of this project.

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