Thursday, May 13, 2010

Final Soundslide

The Final Soundslide!

This project was arguably one of the most difficult projects we had all year in regards to using our creativity. The reason for this is because we could truly do anything we wanted for this project. So we truly had to produce a product that we could could call our own and be proud of. So simply in this product I was hoping to achieve something that i was truly proud of.
I found it challenging to create something that would accurately display my love of food and cooking. It was also difficult to gather and use proper pictures for the project. I had to think long and hard about the sounds to be used and the script that was to be used as well. However to solve these problems it was easy to figure out the solution, in that all I had to do was dedicate myself to the project and put in the appropriate work and hours.
I really enjoyed using garage band, soundslide, and all of the other programs involved in this project. I enjoyed all of the creative control and the whole process behind the whole thing as well. I am not extremely proud of the final result, but I am proud of it in a sense in the fact that it came together nicely.
If I had more time for this project I would have definitely worked better in training my voice for the project. Also I would have been more creative with the sounds involved in the project. But all in all I really enjoyed the project and it was a good way to to end the semester.

P.S. I really enjoyed this class professor and I hope I get the chance to take another class with you again at sometime. Have a wonderful summer!

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