Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bibi Cards

Note: I could not find a way to get the adobe images up on the blog.

In this project I was hoping to achieve a similar bibi card to that of which was in the the Men's Health magazine that I had. For this project there was not to much decision making, and the only real decision making was choosing what type of font to use, and even that was predetermined by the bibi card.
This project had a variety of challenges that proved to be difficult. The first of which was getting the adobe pics on the blog, which I still found to be impossible. The next biggest challenge was sizing up the card properly on the MAC. I remember using measurements from a ruler, but having the programs distort the sizes on the MAC and making the bibi cards way to large. Besides these to challenges the hardest part was creating an accurate representation of the original bibi card. The only way to solve these problems was to constantly go back and readjust settings, text, or the size of objects.
What I enjoyed most about this project was the fact that I could use this skill in the real world for a job or to market myself. This is also what I am most proud of as well.
If I had more time for this product, all I would have done would have been to strive for a more professional looking product. I would have done this by probably employing photoshop or programs similar in nature. Beside that I believe I did a decent job.

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