Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Website.

For this project, the class had to essentially design a website for the six-Panel brochure that they created. I created a simple website for the the spelunking service that I wanted to offer.
The thing that I found to be most challenging with this project was the coding. The coding had to be perfect or else the site would suffer many problems, such as pictures not loading or links being down. However this problem was easily solved by double and triple checking the coding. Besides that there were not too many problems with this project.
I feel that I learned a lot about the aesthetic appeal of websites through this project. I believe that I learned how to really reach out to the user and do my best to be user friendly. I was also very proud of the ease and flow of the site.
If I had more time to work on this project I would have liked to add animations or something more entertaining to the project. However, I still feel that the site came out well and I am very proud of it.

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