Tuesday, March 2, 2010

With this project I was hoping to achieve the basic skills of being able to create and animated gif. To achieve this goal however, I had to consult my notes, the professor, and my reading materials many times. Also, I felt I had to study the poetry and Poe to see how a poem like like should be put into an animated gif.

The most challenging part of this project was to get everything to appear in the right place and to create a sense of timing. To do this I had to go back many times into photoshop and create and recreate gifs and images. The whole process was time consuming and offered up a bit of a challenge. However it was entertaining and i feel as though I learned alot from this project.

The thing that I most enjoyed about this project was gaining the knowledge to create an animated gif and the end result. It was very satisfying to see a final project that moved from still pictures. I would really enjoy creating another animated gif at some point.

What I am most proud of with this project is the final result. I felt that the end result was a good reflection of what I learned and applied to the project.

If I had more time I would have like to make the gif last longer and show more. I feel as though my gif wasn't fluid enough a final product. I would have liked more resources to make it more entertaining as well. But, if I get the chance to do this in the future. I will definitely take advantage of it.

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